

(Lorenzago di Cadore, Italy 10/4/2011)
Engineer Guy Negre, the motor and car manufacturer and former Director of the F1 Renault, has launched the first compressed air-powered car, to be manufactured in Nice, France. The World Organization for Peace has awarded it the "Motor of the Future Award" for being a model for the reduction of pollution and elimination of fuel consumption. This little prototype, seen here being exhibited in the town plaza in Lorenzago de Cadore, represents a similar one exhibited in Dolomiti, Belluno Province, which was donated to the Municipal Hall. Delivery of the compressed-air units will begin next May 2012. This car has been praised in India and Europe, where since late 2010 it has been authorized for manufacture worldwide. Among other donations to be made, four units will be offered to the United Nations headquarters in New York and this organization's offices in Geneva. This supports the program proposed by UNO Secretary General Dr. Bank Ki-moon, who has made a great push to make 2012 the year of renewable and sustainable energy. The WOFP congratulated the Indian TATA automobile industry for being the first to launch the compressed air motor on the market (in December 2010). It was constructed by the French factory MDI, headquartered in Luxemburg. The small-size automobile is capable of going 450 kilometers with a one-minute charge of compressed air from air compressor stations, and reaches 50/60 km per hour. This is followed by other motors for mid- and large-size cars, which reach speeds of 120 to 180 km per hour and are capable of traveling longer distances, with the help of special compressed air pistons. The same factory is also developing compressed air motors for transporting heavy loads and passengers. The World Organization for Peace's "Pollution-Free Program" grants awards for technological innovations that build a brighter future, such as desalination plants for transforming saltwater into irrigation and drinking water, as well as air-to-water conversion plants (currently being implemented in China), and non-polluting electrical energy plants.
Participating members of the Volunteer Firefighter Squad of Lorenzago di Cadore and the Provincial Command Center Chief of Vigili al Fuoco de Belluno, along with members of this delegation, are pictured here after the chiefs of both squads received distinguishing awards from the WOFP's "Firemen for Peace" Agency. Pictured center are Carlos Peralta, President of the World Organization for Peace, standing next to City Mayor Mario Tremonti. In May 2012 the activities will culminate in the delivery of firefighting equipment and helmets to be donated by the WOFP and the Firemen for Peace Agency for use by both fire stations. Award plaques will also be given in honor of these public servants who risk their lives every day to save their fellow man from danger. |
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