
Football succeed in getting together North Korea and South Korea |

This sold out match between North Korea and South Korea national Teams, proves that for football differences of colours or political views does not count, as football truly represents the Latin saying “Ut Unum Sint” (all be one). This sport has no frontiers, as a matter of fact, football players coming to a country without visa or passport have been given permission to enter the country anyway, so that they could cross those barriers that usually tend to stop migration. All this could happen because football is “synonym with Peace”.
Players, even representing rival countries having fought wars, always shake hands at the beginning of the match as a sign of Peace: football players want to prove that football is able to connect peoples and to highlight the value of Fair Play, as this saying: “No matter if winning or losing, don’t offend the rival, as football is a fair game, is synonym with Peace”.
Carlos Peralta President of the World Organization for Peace OMPP WOFP Shanghai 26.03.2008