

To the International journalists participating to the Earth Summit
Dear friends and colleagues, gentlemen present in this Summit, which was just part of a signal, where the United Nations, with its usual responsibility and representing the peoples of the world, organized this summit with the governors here present in order to address the different threats to our habitat and our planet. We are now at the final stage of the event called “Earth Summit” R92, which blocked all the streets of this city to guarantee the security of the visits of 178 UN member countries, with 108 heads of state, ministries, secretaries of the environment and authorities from the United Nations and its agencies here gathered in Rio de Janeiro. The deliberations and the conferences lasted a few days, during which we could work together and discover that we learned something new facing this historical event, this multiple conference, supporting the commitment of the governors of the world united to start a new era, which would be, thanks to experience and mistakes made, surely more in order and controlled, as our is a house common to all of us. This is a new starting point, the majority of the decision-makers committed in contributing actively in looking for immediate and concrete solutions to protect our habitat, so let’s all join…
Our work of communicators is an essential stage that will start just after this summit, as we are committed to public information we should not alarm the world. Contributing to the new programs that will be launched and warning on new threats is our job and responsibility, specially regarding all actions that threaten our habitat. We all know that in order to recover from damages it will be necessary to join efforts. No other chance is available, the planet is not a car’s engine that could be repaired or changed with a new one, as to get to a suitable climate millions of years of evolution were necessary for humankind to adapt to it. Today we should start doing without some commodities to which we are now familiar but that are not good for our planet. We will be witnesses of peoples displacing to different regions because of climate change, we should get familiar with drought, though men with their spirit of survival will surely find a way to change those phenomenon that will be part of our life, we should also be prepared to a decreased availability of water, fundamental element for human life, by using it with intelligence and calling all scientists to find new solutions to use and drink ocean water. Everything was possible for humankind and with the current environmental crisis that we are dealing with in this summit, we should be prepared to transmit with precaution this summit results, and inform with precision and responsibility the world population, which starting from today will enter a new era of eco-education, so we should avoid controversy, which journalists often take part in, related to politics, ideologies or siding with their own governments, because it would be very sad to listen to those different voices such as…as in my country there are to many forests, we can keep on cutting trees…as in my country many polluting factories provide jobs, they should keep on like that…as an important industry in my country is hunting sea animals and prohibited species, which feed our population, all should remain like that…as my country’s unique valuable industry is producing arms and I cannot contradict…
Colleagues and friends, maybe my speech lasted too much, but I want to underline that what seems the best thing, turns to the worst when it threatens humanity. We live in the same common space that in comparison to the universe is a very little area and so when one is damaging the world one is also damaging the other people living in it. I talk to you with simple words as a reporter in charge of thousand of fellow reporters and correspondents of the international multi-language news agency that I represent, where we all are transmitting to the world the concept of this event, which is eliminating the disorder that affect human life and keeps on increasing. At the same time, I talk to you as a voluntary contributor who representing the organization for Peace OPP, composed by communication specialists who decided to contributing selflessly with their job. Today we could listen to the heads of state that agree with an immediate change and others that said an uncertain “yes” but that we hope they could join forces for a change along with all the inhabitants of the world, as this has to do with the well being of everyone.
The governors that today did not ally are surely representing responsibilities that their governments have already taken and that now it would be difficult in terms of costs to change, only time will say if they participate in the change. They will participate because they will need it or because humankind will need it and they could not ignore that, in the same way new governors replacing old ones who did not act, will be in charge of taking action and participate in the change and it will be a surprise to see new governors launching short term or medium term projects contributing to this necessary change.
The history of men has always been told like that, conservatives abstaining and innovating visionaries in favor of evolution….this is humankind, always went in the same way, as in this summit, which is indirectly creating new rules to comply with in order to respect the planet earth, such as those governments that decided to struggle for a better future.
What we have to do now is asking our colleagues reporters that, as governors did, you all too came to this UN conference from all the parts of the world to be impartial and precise, to support new forms of existence, to ensure that our announcement will be transparent in informing about the recovering of the planet, in favor of our habitat which provides shelter for all the world population, time has come to start reconstructing a solid and suitable future for people living today and the following generations.
Thank you very much.
Carlos Peralta
General Director of Cadena Iberoamericana de Noticias
Representative of the Organization for Peace OPP